Day 17

15th October 2016

It's Saturday, so it's time to change the beds and towels. John went down to the Laundry room with our washing and David and I packed up all our bed linen and towels ready for the ladies to come in with fresh linen. This was all done after we had eaten our breakfast of cereal and crumpets.

John returned with the washing, which was hung out to dry (it is a beautiful clear day today) and then he and David headed out to get petrol (diesel) and some shopping.

The "cleaning crew" arrived a short time later and as it has been 2 weeks since we moved into the Lodge, they said that they would give it the once over. So with mops and squeegees in tow, they headed off to the bathrooms and gave everything a clean (although they did comment, that they really didn't need to as we had kept it spotless for them!!!). We changed the beds ourselves last week, so I told the ladies that we would continue to do that as between the three of us, it was no problem.

About four in the afternoon, we travelled to Alison and Andrew's house as we were going to have a "Fish and Chips" night - we were so looking forward to a proper English fish and chip dinner and we were not disappointed.

Samuel was there (he had dropped Alice off at the airport to fly out to Florida) and a little bit later Joseph also joined us, so it was a lovely family night together. We had drinks and nibblies and then Andrew and Samuel headed off to get the fish and chips.

Oh my goodness, they were so delicious, we tucked in hungrily. There was bread and butter and also curry sauce and mushy peas, so it was a veritable feast. We washed it down with lots of wine (and soft drink/water) and then had dessert. I'm not sure where we put all this food, but I think I'll be needing 2 seats to get home in the plane!!!!

After dinner, we were joined by Rupert who made such a fuss of all of us - he is just the most huggable doggie, love him to bits - and we sat and talked and talked until about 9.30 pm when we were all yawning and looking like it was time for a sleep. Reluctantly, we said goodnight and a big hug and goodbye to Samuel as I don't think we will see him again now before we leave for home. That was very sad, we have enjoyed being with him so much, but he is under strict orders that if ever he gets to Amberley Airbase, he has to look us up!!!

David very carefully drove us home and we made our way to the lovely clean beds.

Silvertrees Holiday Park       
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